Book Review of "NO MATTER WHAT!: 9 STEPS TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE" by Lisa Nichols

 My Personal Book Review of  "No Matter What" by Lisa Nichols

I can't help but think of the words from that Yolanda Adam's song, "The Battle Is The Lord's". Part of the chorus rings out to me:

No matter what you're going through
Remember that God only wants to use you
No matter what you happen to go through right now
Remember that in the midst of it all, God only wants to use you



The lyrics to that song are powerful...and so is Lisa Nichols book.



In this book, Lisa share with us 9 STEPS TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE.  I had to put that in caps because I think most of us can think otherwise. This life is can be at times...blah. Lisa breaks the book down in terms of Bounce-Back Muscles we all need to develop and empower our life.  


The 9 Bounce-Back Muscles:

2. Faith-in-Myself
3. Take Action
4. I-Know-Like-I-Know
5. Honesty
6. Say-Yes
7. Determination
8. Forgiveness
9. Highest Choice


Lisa breaks down the meaning of each muscle with honesty and vulnerability from her life. Examples she shares from her life are very real. Lisa does not hold back detail and her honesty about the situations.  I was shocked and encouraged to read on at the same time. I was asking myself out load, did she just say and in that way? There is such a down to earth writing style of this book. You feel as if Lisa is speaking with you face to face. She doesn't just give you a rah, rah speech in this book, but calls you to an honest assessment and action steps for your life too! This is another book in which I keep for reference going back to again and again.

If you haven't picked up a copy of this book, YOU must-have it for encouragement fighting your "battles" of your life. You can order a copy of Lisa's book HERE

I strongly encourage this book as a beginning read for a teenager. there are many tips for them to transform into great adults having this book.

Thanks for reading my review,

Other books by Lisa Nichols:

Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today






Chicken Soup for the African American Woman's Soul: Laughter, Love and Memories to Honor the Legacy of Sisterhood (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

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